Blind and Broken, But Bouncing Back—Plaza’s Cat Rescue Story

In a coastal village in northern Taiwan, we found Plaza, a blind cat with a broken jaw, who seemed to be on his last legs. But love from strangers and great veterinary care have turned his life around.

A Compassionate Grab

Our cat rescue journey with Plaza began about two weeks ago with a call from Ms. Lin, who bravely overcame her fear of cats to rescue a blind stray who was obviously in need of help. Her kindness was the first step in changing Plaza’s life.

Plaza’s Challenges

Upon meeting Plaza, his immediate needs were clear: a broken jaw misaligned and eyes that could no longer see. His frail body, just 2.7 kg, reflected the hardships he had endured trying to survive on the streets in such a challenging condition.

First Steps Towards Healing

At the vet, Plaza began his path to recovery. Equipped with a feeding tube and receiving vital fluids, he showed the first signs of improvement. His condition, while serious, was met with dedicated care and the prospect of necessary surgeries.

In the Caring Arms of The Cats’ Cradle

Plaza has had another lucky break: our sister organisation, ACT for Animals, have offered him a place at The Cats’ Cradle, a beautiful home for rescued cats. Being offered a space in this nurturing environment was a fortunate turn in his journey. Here, he’s been regaining strength with a carefully prepared raw diet, his spirit undimmed by his challenges. As Plaza settles into this new chapter of his life, we are preparing to launch a dedicated fundraiser to cover his lifelong care at this amazing home for rescued cats. This upcoming fundraiser will ensure that Plaza continues to receive the love and attention he deserves for years to come.

Plaza is currently in quarantine at The Cats’ Cradle but will eventually move into a spacious, bright room with a number of other rescued, shy felines. Eventually, he will move into a secure garden sanctuary that we hope to build with ACT for Animals next year.

Expert Care and Future Hope

As Plaza begins his new life at The Cats’ Cradle, we are also looking ahead to his medical needs. We’re fortunate to have the support of Dr. Yeh, a highly esteemed veterinary surgeon, who will be assessing Plaza for potential jaw surgery. This operation, while complex, could significantly improve Plaza’s quality of life. As we navigate these decisions, we are mindful of the costs involved and are gearing up for a fundraiser specifically dedicated to Plaza’s ongoing care and medical treatments. Securing his spot at The Cats’ Cradle was a lucky break, and now our focus is on ensuring he receives the best possible care for as long as he needs it.

Your Support is Vital

Plaza’s story and the outpouring of support he has received is a poignant reminder of the difference we can make to the lives of suffering animals. To support Plaza and others like him, please consider becoming an ACT donor today. Your generosity is crucial in providing the care and treatment these animals need. Donations can be made easily and securely through our website using PayPal, debit or credit card, Venmo, Google Pay, or Apple Pay. Whether big or small, one-off or monthly, your donation transforms lives who would otherwise have little hope.

We promise to keep you updated on Plaza’s progress and the many other lives you help us transform. Stay tuned for more stories of hope and recovery.

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