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Sparkles’ Health Struggles

So far, Sparkles’ vet bill has reached a total of NT$123,165 (£3,232 / US$3,996), but continues to go up every week due to ongoing treatment and tests. Last month, she was rushed to the hospital again due to severe dental bleeding and crashing kidneys, and spent two weeks in the ICU.

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Rescuing Jinny: A Trap Amputee at Just Seven Months Old

Jinny, a young stray dog, was recently rescued by our animal-rescue charity after she was spotted struggling to walk on a mountain road just outside Taipei City. She had a gin trap biting into her front-left paw, and our rescuer’s tireless efforts ultimately led to her rescue.

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Important Announcement

Big Changes Underway As you may know, Animal Care Trust has, for the last six years, worked closely and almost exclusively with ACT for Animals,

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More Hungry Than Wary

With the trap set up on level ground, baited with pieces of hot dog, and tested to ensure in good working order, we retreated to allow the dog to feel less nervous and thus more likely to go in.

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Cassidy Update

Painkillers mean he’s not suffering while awaiting surgery, thankfully, and he no longer has to struggle to find food on that fast and dangerous mountain road.

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