Apart from the difficult surgery needed on his leg, Cassidy was also suffering from dehydration, anaemia, and a tick-borne blood parasite.

In Obvious Need of Our Help

ACT received a video this morning of a stray dog hobbling on a badly broken leg and clearly in a lot of pain. He looked like he was suffering greatly and we knew we had to help. we dispatched one of our rescue team, who immediately embarked on the 90-minute journey to get this dog to one of our vets for emergency surgery.

The video taken by a kind passerby

A Willing Rescue

Thankfully, the dog was not only still there but also seemed like he was expecting us. He was one of the easiest rescues we ever had, coming to our rescuer when he approached and letting him put a slip leash over his head. He didn’t even protest when we put him in travel crate and into the back of our rescue vehicle for the long drive to one of our vets in Taipei City.

We’ve named him Cassidy.

Rescuing Cassidy was so easy compared to 95 percent of our other rescues

On the Road to a Better Life

Our vet examined Cassidy as soon as we arrived and gave us a full report that afternoon: apart from the difficult surgery needed on his leg, Cassidy was also suffering from dehydration, anaemia, and a tick-borne blood parasite. Because of his generally poor condition, Cassidy cannot yet undergo surgery on his leg. So he’s come into ACT care, where our staff will keep Cassidy as comfortable as possible while treating all his ailments and building with strength up with a super-healthy raw diet. In a couple of weeks, when Cassidy is hopefully in good enough health for surgery, it will be performed under the supervision of Professor Yeh, Taiwan’s top veterinary surgeon.

Finally in good hands
X-ray reveals the terrible state of Cassidy’s broken leg

We’ll post updates about this sweet old boy here on our blog and also Facebook. We’re incredibly grateful to all our dog-loving supporters that we are able to transform the lives of suffering strays like Cassidy.

Become an ACT donor today and transform the life of a suffering Taiwan stray

Please, please, please—this is our busiest time of year for rescues, and our team are out at all hours of night and day, seven days a week, doing what they can to save lives; if you’re thinking of donating to an animal charity any time soon, please consider ACT. We have no large salaries and our admin costs are at the low end of the perfect range for animal charities.

Your donation—big or small, one-time or monthly—truly makes a difference. Please join us in transforming the lives of Taiwan’s suffering strays—and giving dogs like this old stray the best chance possible of a brighter, happier future.

Donating is quick, easy, and secure. Our donation form below accepts debit card, credit card, PayPal, Venmo, Google Pay or Apple Pay. Please consider becoming a monthly donor—not only does it help ensure these lifesaving 24-hour animal rescues can continue, it helps us plan better and spend less time fundraising and more time saving lives.

Whether you choose to give monthly or as a one-time donation, please know that we and the suffering strays of Taiwan are very grateful for your kindness. Thank you.

Please subscribe to this blog or follow our Facebook page for updates on lovely old boy Cassidy.

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7 responses

  1. Please give me regular updates on Cassidy I would be really interested in knowing how he is improving..
    I send mountains of love your way sweet boy!..Thank you for all you are doing your work is truly inspirational..💞🐕💞💕💖

    1. Thank you, Kathy. We’ll be posting an update very soon. For now, though, he’s doing well and getting stronger every day in preparation for his surgery. Expect a post about Cassidy in a week or so.

    1. Hi, Peta-Jane.

      We’re a UK-registered charity and currently helping animals in Taiwan. Our UK office is in Ramsgate and our Taiwan office is in Sanzhi, on the northern tip of Taiwan.

    1. We’ll post another update about Cassidy soon—probably next week—as he’ll hopefully have surgery then.

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