Big Changes Underway

As you may know, Animal Care Trust has, for the last six years, worked closely and almost exclusively with ACT for Animals, the Taiwanese nonprofit we helped found. In recent months, it has become increasingly difficult for the two organisations to work together. At it’s most fundamental, the reason is a lack of shared vision and the difficulties in positive communication that can create. But I will remain the Executive Director of the Animal Care Trust, and my ex-wife, Judy, will remain Secretary General of the Taiwan association.

With this in mind, and the unnecessary extra challenges that stem from such different ideologies, the two charities are officially ending their working relationship. For the foreseeable future, Animal Care Trust will not work with ACT for Animals nor raise funds on their behalf. The Taiwan charity will be more focused on running cat and dog rehoming sanctuaries, and Animal Care Trust will continue saving the lives of suffering stray and wild animals through rescue, treatment, and rehoming. We hope to work with other groups now that can care for the animals after rescue.

New Look!

We have already been working hard on making sure our social media-pages and website reflect these changes, including a brand-new logo for the UK charity, as you can see above and below, to prevent any confusion with the Taiwan charity logo, which was very similar to our previous one. I hope you like it! We have gone for a brighter, friendlier colour and style. The orange is a combination of red and yellow, which reflect the passion and positivity of the charity. The three paws, along with the white line that cuts off the feet of the letters in ‘ACT’, symbolise what we are most famous for: saving animals who have lost a limb to the cruel traps and snares that plague the otherwise beautiful Taiwan countryside.

Your Continued Support

While we hope that the two organisations can work together in the future, after we have settled into our new, more defined missions, for now, the two are completely separate from here on. ACT for Animals still needs your support, however, as more than 300 of the dogs and cats we have rescued together since 2017 will remain in their care. Here’s how you can support them:

PayPal: to support ACT for Animals directly, please donate to [email protected]

Credit/Debit card: ACT for Animals does have a donation page, which is currently only available in Chinese, but, if you use Chrome, you should be able to instantly translate most of the information there. To donate in this way, please visit我想要捐款.

If you are currently an Animal Care Trust donor, your donations will continue to transform the lives of suffering animals in Taiwan through our rescue-and-rehoming operation. Nothing has changed in that regard. We’ve been doing this in Taiwan since 1999, and we’re looking forward to another 20 years of the same. The animals here need us. But Animal Care Trust will work with more individuals and groups now who can make good use of the support we can provide. The goal is to help small rescues to grow in size, scope, and quality if we are able to help with that in any way (if you know of any such people or organisations in Taiwan who would be interested in working with us, please let me know). In this way, your kind donation will be able to bring about even more positive change.

If you have donated to Animal Care Trust recently in the belief that your gift is going to ACT for Animals, please send me an email at [email protected] and on your behalf we will forward the amount given if they haven’t already received it. All donations until now have gone straight to supporting our work together and growing both the charities.

Thank You!

I will also be sending this email to recent donors, so apologies if you receive it twice. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always email me at [email protected] or call me directly on +886 (0)920 620 109.

I am truly grateful for your support and interest in the vital work that we perform for Taiwanese animals in need. I’m looking forward to sharing with you all the exciting new developments over the coming months.

Have a beautiful week!

Kind regards,


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