Mary recently discovered the joys of sofa life, which she especially enjoys when needing a break from her five hungry babies.

Growing Up (and On Us)

Mary and her pups have been staying in our founders’ home for nearly four weeks now, and the pups are over a month old. All have been dewormed recently after we found some dead roundworm in one pup’s stool. Their appetites are great, and they’re all very sweet, affectionate puppies—including Mum! Mary recently discovered the joys of sofa life, which she especially enjoys when needing a break from her five hungry babies. They’re all eating raw meat, bones, organ, eggs, garlic, fish oil, vinegar, and seaweed powder, but the pups still like to supplement their diet with Mum’s milk—though, thankfully for her, not so much now. We really love them a lot and will be sad when they go.

Onwards and Upwards

A kind dog lover has offered the growing family a temporary foster home while we wait for the pups to become old enough for adoption—about 6 or 7 weeks from now. ACT prefers to keep pups with their siblings and/or mum until 12 weeks, so we’ll start promoting them around the middle of February. If Terry, the only female pup, seems close to Mary, we’ll get them adopted together.

More updates when they happen! Thanks again to everyone who has partaken in the outpouring of love and support for this incredible mum and her gorgeous pups. We are so grateful that we could save them, and, just like you, we’re so looking forward to seeing them enjoy the kind of life that they could never have dreamed of just one month ago.

You Can Make a Difference

ACT relies solely on the kindness and generosity of people like you to help ensure strays like Mary and her puppies can get the urgent medical treatment and care that they so desperately need. If you’re thinking of supporting a good animal-rescue charity today, please consider becoming an ACT donor. Your gift—be it big or small, single or recurring—will transform the life of a suffering Taiwan stray—or six!

You can donate with debit card, credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay quickly and easily right here:

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