Help Name Our Sweet Rescue Hit By a Car and Left at the Side of the Road

A young female dog was left for three days lying at the side of a road after a car accident. Help us find a name for her and support her journey to recovery by donating today.


In the shadows of a quiet evening, a phone call can sometimes be the thin line between despair and hope. On Saturday, that call led us to a young female dog, a victim of a hit-and-run, who had been waiting in pain for three days. This is not just a rescue story; it’s an invitation to participate in her journey from pain to healing, and from nameless to named.

The Call for Help

It was late at night when we received the video—a heart-wrenching sight of a dog lying helplessly at the side of a road, yet still managing to wag her tail. Despite her obvious pain, her spirit remained unbroken. She was lying on a cold street in New Taipei City, her eyes showing pain yet welcoming. The address was clear, and our rescue team was on the move within minutes.

A Thankfully Quick Rescue

Our rescue team arrived around midnight to find the stricken stray still on the ground, her gaze tentative and nervous. When one of the rescuers gently stroked her head, she accepted the touch gracefully. However, a snap followed when the attempt shifted closer to her painful hindquarters. Her reaction was a clear message of her agony. Despite her dire state, her temperament remained sweet, but ready to do whatever was needed to stop further pain—a testament to her enduring spirit.

The real challenge began when we tried to secure her. Though her back legs faltered, her will did not. She stood, attempted a feeble escape, and struggled mightily against the pain as we leashed her and lifted her into the crate. Her eyes, filled with a mix of fear and relief, watched us closely, as if trying to understand if this intervention was for her benefit or to her detriment.

A Vet Dash Turns into a Marathon

The nearest 24-hour veterinary clinic was our first stop. Timing, however, wasn’t on our side: another emergency case—a cat unable to breathe properly—needed immediate attention and went in ahead of us. By 2 AM, with her condition painful but stable, we decided to wait till morning to seek another available vet hospital. No other vets could see her until then, and it was our only option, so we made her as comfortable as possible for the short night.

Morning light brought clearer insights through x-rays—surprisingly, the friendly stray had no broken bones. But the reason for her inability to walk was now obvious: a dislocated hip. And, because of the time that had elapsed since the injury occurred, it could no longer be simply popped back.

The vet explained that this kind of injury was out of his realm of experience, so our next call was to a veterinary orthopaedic surgeon we’ve used before. He couldn’t see her immediately but was able to examine her today and try to reduce the dislocation.

Surgery Is Now On the Table

Unfortunately, the orthopaedic specialist, too, was unable to relocate the hip joint as too much time had passed since the accident. Our brave little stray is now on painkillers and bed rest for a week or two. Waiting one or two weeks allows time for the initial swelling and inflammation to subside, which can make the surgical procedure to relocate the joint less traumatic for the dog. This waiting period can also provide an opportunity for the her to receive treatment to manage pain and reduce inflammation, thereby stabilising her condition and better preparing her for surgery. So we must now wait.

A Call to Fellow Dog Lovers

As this badly injured but sweet stray girl goes under anaesthetic for more x-rays and examination, we ask you to be not just an observer but a participant in her recovery. She needs a name—a badge of her bravery and a sign of her new life to come. And she needs your kindness in order to get the treatment she needs to help her walk again and also her ongoing and potentially lifelong care—though we’ll do all we can to get the scruffy little lady happily rehomed.

How You Can Help

  1. Suggest a Name: Share your name suggestions in the comments below or within our form while making your donation.
  2. Donate: Every penny really helps. Your donation will cover her emergency veterinary care, treatment, possible surgery, and post-operative care, ensuring she receives the best chance possible at a full recovery.
  3. Share Her Story: Spread the word. The more people know, the more support we can gather for her and many others like her.

In rescuing this girl, we’ve pledged to give her a future she deserves—but we can’t do this alone. Her journey of recovery is just beginning, and with your help, her transformation can truly begin. She will likely be just one of about 150 badly injured or very sick animals that ACT will rescue this year.

Conclusion: Every name suggested, every penny donated, and every story shared helps us rewrite this little stray’s future. Help us make a world of difference to yet another badly injured Taiwan stray.

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