Sponsor JJ to Help Skye!

Sponsor JJ's incredible bid to 'swim the English Channel' to raise funds for Skye's life-saving emergency veterinary treatment and lifelong care. Skye fell very sick two months ago and was found to have a blocked pylorus, which is the valve between the stomach and intestines. This has led to stomach ulcers and acute kidney failure. She's been in and out of the 24-hour vet hospital getting all kinds of tests and treatment, which stabilised her condition so that a feeding tube could be surgically inserted straight into her intestines so that she can finally get nutrition. Thus will replace her nasal tube, which only goes to the stomach and no further, while we await results of a biopsy. It's these vital veterinary interventions that JJ is raising money for and which you will be contributing towards. Skye's vet bill is likely to rise over the next few days. If we're lucky enough to reach our fundraising goal, any additional funds will go towards Skye's growing vet bill and lifelong care.


How much would you like to donate for JJ's challenging 'English Channel' swim? Your generosity will go straight towards Skye's life-saving veterinary treatment and lifelong sanctuary care. Thank you for helping give Skye back her life.


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Donation Total: £20