The ACT team work tirelessly to rescue suffering animals around the clock, get them the emergency medical treatment they need, provide them with quality care, and find them the very best loving homes—just like we did for Sir Viver, here. In immense pain and facing a horrendous future, the big stray had no hope at all. But that’s where ACT makes a difference.
And it’s only possible thanks to the kindness of people like you who give what you can to ensure this vital work can continue, day in, day out, 365 days a year. Please become a monthly donor so more stray animals like Sir Viver can get the lifesaving help they need and the chance they deserve of a brighter future—month after month.
Unlike other donation forms on the ACT website, this one has the monthly donation option pre-selected for you.
We of course very gratefully accept single donations too, as they also are a huge help in transforming the lives of suffering strays in Taiwan.
If you prefer to make a one-off gift today, simply uncheck the box in the form that says ‘Make this donation every month.’
You can see your donor history and easily change any subscriptions using our Donor Dashboard.
Just before Christmas, ACT received a message along with a photo of a large black stray dog in the south of the country with horrific injuries: hunting snares were cutting into two of his feet—and the other two had already gone. We knew he must be suffering and one of our rescuers headed out at 4 AM to embark on a 15-hour round trip to bring the poor dog to a 24-hour emergency vet in Taipei.
When we arrived at the vet in the southern town of Taidong, where the kind rescuer, Steve, had taken the maimed dog, we were shocked: his front leg was badly swollen, it smelled terribly of infection, and Sir Viver was looking very weak. We knew he was in critical condition, so our driver immediately began the seven-hour trip back north, with Steve bading the big dog farewell as we left.
Sir Viver arrived at the 24-hour veterinary hospital at 7 o’clock that evening, and the doctors immediately began working on stabilising his blood pressure so that he could undergo lifesaving surgery in the morning. Sadly, it involved amputating the whole of the necrotic front leg as well as the back foot.
Sir Viver survived the surgery and is still staying at the vet hospital fighting a very serious infection. We all want to see him come through this and enjoy the life we have already planned for him. We are just so grateful that kind people like you donate to ensure that dogs like Sir Viver can be rescued and given the very best chance of making it. It’s all they could possibly wish for.
HEARTBREAKING UPDATE: We are very sad to report that Sir Viver finally succumbed to the serious infection he was fighting and the low blood pressure. Please consider donating in his honour so that others just like him can be saved.
The majority of the dogs that ACT rescues are maimed by poachers’ illegal leg-hold traps and wire snares. As a result, we probably care for the largest number of amputee dogs in the world: currently 75. After these once-suffering strays recover from surgery, our rehoming team endeavours to find loving homes for all the adoptable dogs and cats—and, yes, loving homes are found for disabled and even blind animals.
However, not all rescued animals are adoptable, so ACT also provides lifelong, quality sanctuary care when needed. Always, we consider every dog, cat, or wild animal as an individual, which means we do the very best we can for each and every one who passes through our care. We are no-kill.
ACT is the only registered charity performing animal rescues in throughout Taiwan around the clock—and often in very difficult situations. As a result, we save the lives of animals who had almost no hope and give them the best life possible. Very importantly, being a small nonprofit with low admin costs, the bulk of our donation income is spent directly on the animals, making ACT a great animal charity to donate to if you want to do as much good as possible with your kind gift.
Naturally, when you give to a charity, you want to see what your money can achieve. And there are so many good things your kindness can make happen for the animals that ACT rescues. For instance:
£5 per month ensures a rescued dog or cat gets all the required dietary supplements every day
£10 per month feeds a rescued dog or cat basic healthy food daily for the whole month
£25 per month pays for life-saving meds for one recently rescued animal for four weeks
£50 per month covers the basic costs of one life-transforming rescue every four weeks
£75 per month sponsors the entire basic care for a dog or cat at one of our sanctuaries
£100 per month pays the rent to keep a roof over the head of 21 rescued dogs or 15 rescued cats
Yes! These life-changing animal rescues are vital, and I want to donate so they can always continue.
Your donation is so important! It will help ensure suffering stray and wild animals in Taiwan can continue to have their lives transformed day in and day out, month after month.
The ACT team work tirelessly to rescue suffering animals around the clock, get them the emergency medical treatment they need, provide them with quality care, and find them the very best loving homes—just like we did for Sir Viver, here. In immense pain and facing a horrendous future, the big stray had no hope at all. But that’s where ACT makes a difference.
And it’s only possible thanks to the kindness of people like you who give what you can to ensure this vital work can continue, day in, day out, 365 days a year. Please donate so more stray animals like Sir Viver get the lifesaving help they need and the chance they deserve of a brighter future.
March 25, 2025
March 23, 2025
March 23, 2025
March 22, 2025
Thanks for taking care of dogs like Ocean! Hoping my donation can help.
March 22, 2025
For ocean . A beautiful name for a beautiful boy.
March 22, 2025
March 22, 2025
Thank you for what you guys do for the Taiwan dogs
March 21, 2025
March 20, 2025
March 20, 2025
March 19, 2025
March 19, 2025
Registered UK charity no. 1163828
Transforming the lives of suffering animals in Taiwan since 1999
c/o Axis Cloud Accounting
The Marlowe Innovation Centre
Marlowe Way
Kent CT12 6FA
[email protected]